Equipment Maintenance

To ensure that warehouse equipment stays healthy to support retailers' supply chain, warehouse workers need to perform regular field service. They make maintenance notes and then input them to the backend system via a fixed PC. This process is time-consuming, error-prone and labor-intensive. Also, employee fraud may happen.
Every equipment is applied to a unique RFID or barcode tag. Warehouse workers use Chainway handheld computers to identify each equipment and input new inspection information to the backend server wirelessly.
1. Chainway handheld computer transmits accurate equipment maintenance and repair data to the backend server under its fast and stable wireless communications (3G/4G/Wi-Fi). Human errors will be eliminated.

2. Inspection data needs to be captured and recorded on site. It ensures that maintenance records are not fraudulent. Regular maintenance and inspection enable the warehouse facility are always in a good condition.

3. Chainway handheld computer sports a clear color camera. When necessary, inspectors can record the problem with a photo. All the messages (in text and photo) will be upgraded to the backend system, and the backend system will arrange the next maintenance according to the result.